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Rabbi Eve Eichenholtz

Rabbi Eve Eichenholtz grew up on Long Island and is a product of the Conservative Movement. Having attended synagogue Hebrew schools, Camp Ramah, Solomon Schechter Day School and the Jewish Theological Seminary, she was ultimately ordained by the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York, a pluralistic seminary.

The rabbinate has brought Rabbi Eichenholtz to communities across the United States and as far away as Israel. She has served diverse congregations, specializing in small and mid-sized synagogues, even reaching thousands as one of the Rockin' Rabbis, competing on the highly popular television program, The American Bible Challenge, hosted by Jeff Foxworthy.


When leading services, Rabbi Eichenholtz brings in her love of singing, stories, teaching and theater, combined with energy and enthusiasm. As a teacher, she finds the unique threads within Judaism to capture each learner’s attention. Rabbi Eichenholtz greatly enjoys facilitating personal reflection, individual support, and communal growth for the members of the Beth Israel Congregation.


In addition to her pursuits within the Jewish community, Rabbi Eichenholtz actively and passionately cultivates relationships with other faith-based groups. She believes that social action allow us to learn more about ourselves and each other in order to strengthen our communal bonds. 


In her non-existent spare time, Rabbi Eichenholtz enjoys cooking, theater and all things ice-hockey.



"My vision is being Jewish is not a sometime thing. Being Jewish informs all parts of one’s life; one only has to open their hearts and minds to finding the Jewish content in everyday actions and thoughts and suddenly the whole world is seen through Jewish-colored glasses."

Photo credit: Fayetteville Craft

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